
SWIPE (SLP) Rules of Correct Eating

(SLP) Rules Of Correct Eating

These rules cover dietary discipline and mode of eating. SWIPE 8-Rules of Correct Eating are the basic pillars of disease prevention and reversal by working on homeostasis, circadian rhythms and microbiome health. The primary objective is to harmonize external personal food routine with the internal ongoing biological rhythms. Here are the 8- Rules of Correct Eating:

1. Whole food predominantly plant based diet
2. Correct Food Timings
3. Food Rotation
4. Correct Food Combinations
5. How Much To Eat
6. Favourite Foods Should Be Selected
7. Food Temperature
8. Correct Water Intake

1-Selection of Natural Foods

Avoid all processed or un-natural foods, bran products, transfats rich foods, skim milk, white flour based foods and genetically modified foods. Focus on predominantly plant based whole natural foods. Special recommendations are for natural butter, organic poultry, whole grains, raw sugar, nuts, lentils, vegetables, and whole milk.

2-Correct Food Timings

This rule is based on Acupuncture philosophy of circulation of Chi and the rhythm of a human 24-hours body clock located in brain. The most important meals are breakfast and dinner, and we have to be very careful regarding their timings.

Breakfast should be taken as early as possible after waking up and breakfast time bracket is 5 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Snacky lunch should be between 9-4pm.

From 4 p.m. – 9 p.m.

The body is again in the digestive mode so dinner should be eaten during this time. The Liver is rejuvenated or repaired every night between 1 a.m – 3 a.m and therefore do not eat any thing during this time.

3-Food Rotation

Avoid repetition of foods, because after a few days, an excess of one food starts accumulating toxic metabolites in our system. The healing value of food starts decreasing and due to ph shift

4-Correct Food Combinations

Correct food combinations are essentially required for the control of insulin/leptin levels and tissue/blood ph, blood/lymph circulation and body temperature. Simple and complex carbohydrates cannot be mixed because of different digestion time. Therefore all fruits, desserts, juices or soft drinks should be taken either half an hour before the meal or three and half hours after the meals.

Another important combination is of combining various food groups, i.e. acidic, alkaline and neutral foods. Try to combine fruits, and nuts from three chemical food groups to keep the blood ph close to neutral, which is essential for the normal function of the liver and biorhythms. Milk, or coffee is one hour before or three to three and half hours after major meals.

5-How Much to Eat ?

Decide your food portion on your own and listen to your body. If you correct your food timings, your hunger centre will be activated to control your food intake.

Don’t indulge yourself into calorie counting, let higher bodies take decisions for your well-being.

6-Favourite Foods Should Be Selected

Listen to your body while selecting from natural foods for your meals, favorite foods reflect biochemical individuality because no two humans are alike.

7-Food Temperature

Temperature of foods and liquids taken is extremely important. You cannot combine warm meals and chilled drinks in the same meal. It puts extra load on your stomach to bring them close to the core temperature before pushing into small intestines.

8-Correct Water Intake

Correct water intake is very essential. Before excretion water goes through a complex water metabolism and hence should be taken with care. Avoid cold or chilled water, it impairs cardiovascular circulation. Water intake should vary between 12—18 glasses depending on the weather. Water should be taken 15 minutes before or one and half hours after a meal.