
SWIPE (SLP)Immune Boosting Therapies

Boost your Immune System

These Therapies are a combination of various therapies like


Ozone Therapy

Blood Electrification

Magnetic Pulsar

Colloidal Silver

Rife Frequencies

TBSW Generators along with a nutrients loaded SWIPE Food plan.

The aims and objectives are to cure the root causes by improving digestion for formation of good quality blood, immunity enhancement, mind relaxation, liver rejuvenation, and homeostasis in internal environment.

The outcome is cessation of inflammation leading to the disease process and its complications. In mild to moderate ailments after few sessions of getting treatment, reversal of disease starts happening or it helps improving patient’s quality of life. The treatment is composed of 10-20 sessions of about 2 hours duration spread over a period of 2-3 months.