A Journey of Professional Growth and Resilience
I landed at Boston Logan airport with frequent thoughts of regret about my decision to attend Levinson Leadership Physician course. The same evening while having dinner I learnt about the other ten foreign delegates, and felt better.
I initially participated in the seminar with my mental guard mode ON, because I did not want to accept anything that were to challenge my professional integrity. I joined the course with a lot of opposition from social and professional circles, so you can well imagine my mental state and apprehensions.
My Journey to Self-Discovery and Healing
Gradually I started to feel that something was starting to go in my system and my rigid personality coverings began to loosen. The Interesting part was that we were made to do a self diagnosis about our own intellect disorders. During that course I realized that I was suffering from a subtle autoimmune disorder which was reflected in the form of fear of professional failure, over compassionate behavior and self neglect.
I got awareness about the accumulated emotional toxins which were affecting my physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Therefore I started enjoying this intellect massage and detox, which I had never experienced in my life before. The blockade was completely reversed after the huge infusions of knowledge laxatives. Removal of the layers of debris from my mental being was absolutely painless and with my absolute consent. I think it was done under subtle general anesthesia.
Group Holistic Therapy
I also realized that the Faculty was giving us a group holistic therapy, the only instruction given was that we were not suppose to sit with the same participants during the seminar. I appreciate the ability of Cynsie to select the seminar participants, all were genius, humble, courteous and eager to learn.
The faculty was very gentle in developing connections with the participants and I also observed the phenomenon of quantum entanglement (acute development of human bonding) which is normally observed collectively in a peak life threatening human crisis, and is of a short duration.

A Journey of Wisdom and Unity
Within 48 hours the group was connected at subtle level and we were absorbing hours and hours of immense knowledge with ease and without mental fatigue. I am sure all of us would have developed dozens of new neural connections to absorb this wisdom.
With my group I had a feeling that we were siblings from the same family, because each of us developed non-hormonal, unconditional, respect and love for each other. Jim Allen our group leader was an excellent facilitator in group activities.
On the final day my group members collectively discussed about my strength factors which I very proudly would like to share: very intelligent, brave visionary, innovative, passionate, truly holistic-authentic , quite strength.
Discovering Myself
After registering for this seminar I found that no body asked for my degrees or certificates, because they knew during the operational procedures of training they will know me, more than I know myself. That was the most amazing part where I discovered myself as an individual and a professional being as well.
The great healers of the faculty has secretly done non invasive corrective surgery of our higher beings. The Course is over but the psychological contract is being signed, two self addressed letters of self commitments are there for self accountability and The Levinson Cube sitting on my table is a constant reminder to those commitments.